adult new patient form Step 1 of 10 10% Patient DemographicsThank you for choosing our office! In order to serve you properly, we need the following information. All information will remain confiential.First Name* Last Name* Date of Birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY SSN Optional Gender* Male Female Physical Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City AlabamaAlaskaAmerican SamoaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareDistrict of ColumbiaFloridaGeorgiaGuamHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaNorthern Mariana IslandsOhioOklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaPuerto RicoRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahU.S. Virgin IslandsVermontVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyomingArmed Forces AmericasArmed Forces EuropeArmed Forces Pacific State ZIP Code Is your mailing address different from your physical address?* Yes No Mailing Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City AlabamaAlaskaAmerican SamoaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareDistrict of ColumbiaFloridaGeorgiaGuamHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaNorthern Mariana IslandsOhioOklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaPuerto RicoRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahU.S. Virgin IslandsVermontVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyomingArmed Forces AmericasArmed Forces EuropeArmed Forces Pacific State ZIP Code Home Phone*Cell Phone (if different)Email Address* We will NOT use your email address for solicitation. It is for communication purposes via our patient portal only.Preferred method of contact Cell Phone Home Phone Text Email Mail Marital Status Married Single Divorced Separated Widowed Widowed / Remarried Significant Other Are you a minor?* Yes No Minor InformationPlease list name of parent / guardian* Parent / Guarantor Date of Birth MM slash DD slash YYYY Parent / Guardian's phone (if different)* In Case of EmergencyPatient or Parent's Employer* Work Phone*Emergency Contact Name* Emergency Contact Home Phone*People who can call and receive patient medical information: (for confidentiality purposes)NameRelationshipPhone Please select your primary medical provider in this office? Aaron Catmull | N.P. Charles Clair | M.D. Cameron McHan | N.P. Shawna McCaffrey | N.P. Brian Muir | D.O. Kevin Owens | M.D. F.A.C.P. Jeff Swenson | M.D. Casie Taylor | N.P. Tyson Steel | D.O. Brad Wynn | D.O. Sara Zielinski | N.P. Do you have primary health insurance information you'd like to submit?* Yes No Primary Insurance Name of Insured Birth Date of Insured MM slash DD slash YYYY Relationship to Patient SSN of Insured ID Number Group Number Deductible / Co-Pay AmountDeductibleCo-PayDo you have secondary insurance information you'd like to submit?* Yes No Secondary Insurance Name of Insured Birth Date of Insured MM slash DD slash YYYY Relationship to Patient SSN of Insured ID Number Group Number Deductible / Co-Pay AmountDeductibleCo-Pay I request that payment of authorized Commercial Insurance/Medicaid/Medicare/Medicare supplement benefits be made either to me, or on my behalf to Minidoka Medical Center/Rural Health Clinic for any services furnished me by that physician/supplier. I authorize any holder of medical information about me to release to my insurance, or Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and its agents any information needed to determine these benefits or the benefits payable for related services. Consent to Treat* I authorize the release of any information concerning my (or my child’s) health care, advice, and treatment provided for the purpose of evaluating and administering claims for insurance benefits. Health HistoryDo you have any allergies to medications?* Yes No Please list:Medication you are allergic toWhat happens? Are you currently taking any medications?* Yes No What medications are you taking?*MedicationsStrengthHow many times a day do you take it? Please carefully review the list below and select a topic if either you or a member of your family has ever had any issues with the following: (select all that apply) Skin, hair, nails, and teeth Eyes, ears, nose, throat Heart problems Lungs / breathing problems Stomach problems Liver / pancreas problems Bowel problems Kidney problems Bladder problems Arthritis / Joint problems Weakness Stroke / Seizures Anemia / Bleeding problems Cancer Diabetes Thyroid Problems Skin, Hair, Nails, And TeethDo you wear dentures?* Yes No Please describe YOUR medical history with these issues*Please describe your FAMILY'S medical history with these issues*Eyes, Ears, Nose, and ThroatDo you wear glasses?* Yes No Do you wear hearing aids?* Yes No Please describe YOUR medical history with these issues*Please describe your FAMILY'S medical history with these issues*Heart ProblemsHave you had a heart attack?* Yes No Do you have high cholesterol?* Yes No Do you have high blood pressure?* Yes No Please describe YOUR medical history with these issues*Please describe your FAMILY'S medical history with these issues*Has anyone in your family had a heart attack?* Yes No Lungs / Breathing ProblemsPlease describe YOUR medical history with these issues*Please describe your FAMILY'S medical history with these issues*Stomach ProblemsPlease describe YOUR medical history with these issues*Please describe your FAMILY'S medical history with these issues*Liver / Pancreas ProblemsPlease describe YOUR medical history with these issues*Please describe your FAMILY'S medical history with these issues*Bowel ProblemsPlease describe YOUR medical history with these issues*Please describe your FAMILY'S medical history with these issues*Kidney ProblemsPlease describe YOUR medical history with these issues*Please describe your FAMILY'S medical history with these issues*Bladder ProblemsDo you have urinary leakage?* Yes No Please describe YOUR medical history with these issues*Please describe your FAMILY'S medical history with these issues*Arthritis / Joint ProblemsPlease describe YOUR medical history with these issues*Please describe your FAMILY'S medical history with these issues*WeaknessPlease describe YOUR medical history with these issues*Please describe your FAMILY'S medical history with these issues*Strokes / SeizuresHave you ever had a stroke?* Yes No Have you ever had a seizure?* Yes No Please describe YOUR medical history with these issues*Please describe your FAMILY'S medical history with these issues*Anemia / Bleeding ProblemsPlease describe YOUR medical history with these issues*Please describe your FAMILY'S medical history with these issues*CancerWhat type of cancer?* Please describe YOUR medical history with these issues*Please describe your FAMILY'S medical history with these issues*DiabetesHow long?* Pills or Insulin?* Pills Insulin Please describe YOUR medical history with these issues*Please describe your FAMILY'S medical history with these issues*Thyroid ProblemsPlease describe YOUR medical history with these issues*Please describe your FAMILY'S medical history with these issues* Pregnancy InformationHave you been pregnant before?* Yes No How many pregnancies?* How many deliveries?* When was your last menstrual period?* Have you had a hysterectomy?* Yes No When was your last pap smear?* Have you had a mammogram before? Yes No When was your last mammogram?* Mental HealthHave you ever suffered from depression? Yes No Have you ever suffered from anxiety? Yes No Have you ever suffered from any other mental health problems? Yes No Please explain*Please describe YOUR medical history with these issuesPlease describe your FAMILY'S medical history with these issues More medical historyPlease list any and all previous doctors and hospitals that have provided medical care for youName of DoctorCity they are located Do you have any previous hospitalizations?* Yes No Please explain* Family HistoryIs your father* Living Deceased How old when he passed away? And why?*Father's health conditions (if any)Is your mother* Living Deceased How old when she passed away? And why?*Mother's health conditions (if any)Do you have any brothers?* Yes No Please list*Number of BrothersHealth conditions Do you have any sisters?* Yes No Please list*Number of SistersHealth conditions PreventativePlease list the dates and results from these tests. If you don't have history taking it, please place a "N/A" in the text field.ColonoscopyDateNormalAbnormalDue DateBone DensityDateNormalAbnormalDue DateMammogramDateNormalAbnormalDue DatePAPDateNormalAbnormalDue DatePSADateNormalAbnormalDue DateEye ExamDateNormalAbnormalDue DateFoot ExamDateNormalAbnormalDue DateRectal ExamDateNormalAbnormalDue DateDental CleaningDateNormalAbnormalDue DateAny surgical history and dates? Social HistoryOccupation* Employed Unemployed Retired Homemaker Disabled Student Place of Employment* Marital Status* Married Single Divorced Separated Widowed Widowed but remarried Significant Other Sexually Active? (select all that apply)* Yes No Multiple Partners Birth Control Condoms Other Do you have children?* Yes No How Many:Male childrenFemale childrenMiscarriages What is your activity level?* Athletic Active / Fit Occasionally / Rarity Never What is your ideal body weight?* Tobacco Products / Nicotine* None Cigarettes Cigars Smokeless / Chew E-Cigarette / Vape Quit How many a day?* How many years smoked?* What date did you quit?* Alcohol Use (select all that apply)* None Daily Weekly Socially Rarely Beer Wine Hard Alcohol Caffeinated Products* None Coffee Tea Soda Pop Energy Drink Amount of coffee consumed daily:* Amount of tea consumed daily:* Amount of soda consumed daily:* Amount of energy drinks consumed daily:* Illegal Drugs (select all that apply) None Marijuana Methamphetamines Cocaine Other How frequently do you use marijuana?* Experimented with Currently Use Quit Rehabilitation Self-Recovery When did you quit using marijuana?* How frequently do you use methamphetamines?* Experimented with Currently Use Quit Rehabilitation Self-Recovery When did you quit using methamphetamines?* How frequently do you use cocaine?* Experimented with Currently Use Quit Rehabilitation Self-Recovery When did you quit using cocaine?* Mental Health History (select all that apply) N/A Depression Anger Problems Bipolar Cutting Other Was your depression: Treated Not Treated Please list the doctor's name that treated your depression:* Was your anger problems: Treated Not Treated Please list the doctor's name that treated your anger problems:* Was your bipolar disorder: Treated Not Treated Please list the doctor's name that treated you for bipolar disorder:* Was your cutting: Treated Not Treated Please list the doctor's name that treated you for cutting:* Communicable Diseases (select all that apply)* N/A Measles Mumps HIV / AIDS Hepatitis Other What kind of Hepatitis* A B C If "other", please explain:* Code Status* Full Code | All lifesaving measures DNR | Do not resuscitate I do not know and would like to discuss What pharmacy do you use?* Pharmacy Name Location Request for Medical Records* I would like to submit a request for transfer of medical records now I would like to gather this information and request transfer of medical records at a later date Patient Rights and ResponsibilitiesWHEN YOU ARE SEEN BY AN EMPLOYEE OR CONTRACTOR OF THE CLINIC, YOU HAVE THE RESPONSIBILITY TO: Treat the staff with consideration, respect and dignity. Understand that your life-style does affect your health. Take an active part in your health care. Follow the agreed upon treatment plan. If you choose or are unable to follow the treatment plan, it is your responsibility to inform the Medical Provider. Observe facility rules and regulations that are for the safety and consideration of all patients and staff. Provide accurate and complete information about present complaints, past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications, advance directives (living wills or durable power of attorney), and other matters relating to your healthcare. Report whether you understand a contemplated course of action and what is expected of you. WHEN YOU ARE SEEN BY AN EMPLOYEE OR CONTRACTOR OF THE CLINIC, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO: Be treated with consideration, respect and dignity; Have the confidentiality of your medical information protected, to have privacy act regulations enforced, and to have these areas of confidentiality explained to you in language you can understand; Have privacy during case discussion, counseling & treatment; Review your records in the presence of a healthcare professional; Know the name and qualifications of staff providing your care; Know your diagnosis, health problems, test results, the potential advantages and risks of treatment or procedures in language you can understand; Expect that all services, treatment and counseling techniques will take place with your informed consent; Participate in referral planning; Have access to the patient comment procedure; Refuse to participate in research. Have another individual present in the exam room with you, if you so desire. I have read the copy of Patients Rights and Responsibilities* I agree Release of information, treatment, privacy rights, and messagesConsent for Photograph* I consent to allow photography of myself for identification purposes, and for purposes of improving my medical care documentation (ie: wounds, lesions, etc).. Authorization for Treatment* I hereby authorize, Minidoka Medical Center, and any assistants or associates that may be designated, to perform medical and hospital care to the above named patient Privacy Practices / Discrimination* I have received/or declined copy of the Notice of Privacy Practices, and I have been provided an opportunity to review this entire document. Minidoka Memorial Hospital and Medical Center will not discriminate against a patient because of race, color, national origin, religion, ability to pay, or because a patient is covered by a program such as Medicaid or Medicare. If you feel you are a victim of discrimination you have the right to file written complaint to the Compliance Officer. Forms are available in the business office. Consent to use of answering machine and/or voicemail messaging/email:* I hereby consent to the use of my answering machine and/or voicemail for the purpose of relaying important information regarding my treatment or care, including, but no limited to confirmation of appointments, changes in medication, results of lab tests, special instructions for testing procedures. I also consent to members of my family receiving this information in my absence. This consent will remain in effect until I rescind the consent in writing. SignaturePhone*Today's Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY CAPTCHAEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ